Viola had this problem where she always wanted what she couldn’t have. Her mother called it the “Viola complex”. When she was seven years old she wanted a Dalmatian puppy so badly. She asked her mother every day if she could just pretty please have one. Of course the answer was no because no six year old needs a puppy because it wouldn’t be the six year olds puppy but the parents puppy. It turned into an obsession. Viola would only watch 100 Dalmatians. Her closet was fully of 100 Dalmatians attire. She had an imaginary friend named Dina the Dalmatian, although she was a mixed breed of human and Dalmatian. It got to a point where her mother sat her down a year later and said, “Sweet Viola, I know you think the best thing in the world would be a Dalmatian puppy, but you know what they don’t show you in the movies? Poop. Dogs poop in real life. Dogs also don’t talk in real life. They bark, a lot. You know that part when the dogs are barking to each other to communicate? That’s not real, they just bark for pretty much no reason,” she pet Viola’s head and smiled, “I know a Dalmatian seems like the best thing in the world but there are a lot of things that aren’t that great about them, but you aren’t thinking about those things are you?”
This happened a few times throughout her childhood and now into her teenage years. Viola would paint a picture in her mind about how wonderful something would be, but the reality of things were, that they aren’t as good as she imagined them. It’s like the moment when Viola saw this beautiful head of hair in front of her on the bus; she could see a tidbit of his ear and cheek. In her head he was exceptional looking. He had beautiful green eyes and a smile that could drain the blood from your heart into your cheeks. The problem with this was this was all in her head. When he turned around, he was a great disappointment. He turned out to be quite ugly except for the gorgeous hair. This was how she was about most things and that’s why it was called the “Viola Complex”.